The ancient Acraephia ( Acraephnia, Acraephnium or Acraephium) was built east of the lake Kopais and northwest of Lake Iliki. With a territory of 47 km2 and a perimeter of 34.6 km, Acraephnium was one of the smaller cities of Boeotia; there were no secondary settlements (komai) in its countryside (chora). However, Acraephnium constituted one of the earliest members of the league of Boeotian cities under the leadership of Thebes and it participated successively in the three Boeotian Leagues.... |
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Agrarian and Pastoral Economy in Boeotia during the Modern Period |
Akropolis and harbours of Siphae and Kreusis |
Ancient Drainage Works in the Kopais Lake |
Archaeological Collection of Distomo |
The Archaeological Collection of Distomo was established in 1994. In its three rooms are exhibited antiquities dating from the Bronze Age to the Early Byzantine period. The finds in this collection originate from the archaeological sites of north-western ancient Phocis (mainly Distomo, Anticyra, Medeon, Karakolithos and Zemeno), which nowadays belongs to the prefecture of Boeotia. |
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Archaeological Museum of Chaeronea |
The Archaeological Museum of Chaeronea is situated in a building erected between 1903 and 1907, adjacent to the monumental statue of the Lion of Chaeronea, in order to shelter the finds of the excavations carried out by the Archaeological Society at Athens. The exhibits comprise mainly remains from the battles of 338 B.C. and 86 B.C., as well as finds from Neolithic sites from the valley of Boeotian Kephissus. The building was seriously damaged by the 1981 earthquakes and its restoration was... |
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I teatri della Beozia antica |
La Beozia costituisce una delle regioni del mondo antico più densamente interessate dalla presenza di teatri. Allo stato attuale, nella regione si possono annoverare ben dieci strutture di cui nove teatri ed un telesterion. All’interno di questo dato bisogna fare un’ulteriore distinzione tra teatri archeologicamente noti e teatri attestati soltanto dalle fonti antiche. |
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