Decorative architectural element projecting from the wall. It is used both on the internal and the external face of the church walls, in order to mark the division between the vertical wall and the spring of the vaults. It is usually made of marble and bears painted or sculptural decoration of vegetal or geometric motifs.
entablature, the
The upper part of the classical order, that rests on the columns, it consists of the architrave, frieze and cornice.
The first spatharios. A higher byzantine official of the imperial hierarchy which usually permitted participation in the senate. It was awarded even to eunuchs. After the 11th century, it gradually lost its importance. It was also an honorary title.
strategos ("general")
During the Roman period his duties were mainly political. Οffice of the Byzantine state´s provincial administration. At first the title was given to the military and political administrator of the themes, namely of the big geographic and administrative unities of the Byzantine empire. Gradually the title lost its power and, already in the 11th century, strategoi were turned to simple commanders of military units, responsible for the defence of a region.