Early Byzantine inscriptions from Boeotia, 4th-6th centuries |
A number of Early Byzantine inscriptions have been found in the archaeological collections of Boeotia. They include dedicatory inscriptions in honour of Emperors and members of the imperial family; epigrams which offer insights to early Christian epigraphic tradition; epitaphs and non-funerary Christian inscriptions. They have been recently presented in a currently unpublished Corpus. |
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Early Christian architecture in Boeotia |
Τhe baths of Antikyra, Livadia and Thebes, and the fortifications mainly of Plataies are some of the public, secular buildings of the period under study. As far as religious buildings are concerned, we find basilicas, mostly built οn the sites of ancient sanctuaries. Houses excavated at Thebes and Antikyra belong to the category of private buildings, while in Distomo an agricultural and crafting site/workshop has been unearthed. |
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Early Christian mosaics in Boeotia |
Mosaic flooring flourished in Boeotia in the first half of the fifth century until the mid-sixth century, a period of peace and economic prosperity. The first preference for geometric decoration was enriched with iconographic elements from the animal and vegetable world, from the mid-fifth century. Towards the end of the century and in the first half of the next one, there is an increase of anthropomorphic representations with sometimes symbolic character. |
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Environmental Problems in Boeotia today |
Epaminondas was a leading general of Thebes in the era of the Theban Hegemony (370s and 360s BCE) and one of the most renowned military commanders of Greek antiquity. Epaminondas’ main virtues were not only his valor and genius as a commander, but also his alleged adherence to philosophy. In some modern scholarly accounts, he has become a philosopher-general who was thought to have brought Pythagorean principles to the battlefield. He worked closely with Pelopidas, the other leading Theban... |
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Ethnic Groups and Population Composition in Boeotia |